
Be curious.


Stage 2A Polytechnique - Consultant Stagiaire


Description du poste

Etre stagiaire chez Roland Berger c'est être véritablement intégré(e) à une équipe projet sous la responsabilité d'un(e) Consultant, vous serez en charge :

-      d'analyser des données

-      mener des études de marchés et de positionnement concurrentiel

-      réaliser des diagnostics stratégiques et/ou opérationnels

-      contribuer à la préparation de présentations et d'ateliers de travail


Vous etes étudiant en 2eme année du cursus Polytechnique et recherchez votre stage de 3 mois. 

Informations supplémentaires

Are you a game changer and want to shape the future with us?

Apply Now

Merci de postuler avec une lettre de motivation et un CV d'ici le 19 janvier 2024

Portrait of Caroline Beaurepaire

Caroline Beaurepaire

Company information

Roland Berger is the only management consultancy of European origin with a global footprint. We cherish different perspectives and approaches and count on the diversity and authenticity of our employees. Driven by our values of entrepreneurship, excellence, and empathy, we at Roland Berger are convinced that business and society need a new sustainable paradigm that takes the entire value cycle into account. Our cross-competence teams work with our clients to successfully address the challenges of our time, today and tomorrow, across all industries and business functions. If you like to take the initiative and make a difference as part of a team, Roland Berger is the right place for you.

Data protection
Protecting your personal data and complying with relevant data protection legislation is something we take very seriously. Before applying, please consult our Privacy Policy for the Applicant Management Process at Roland Berger Group for detailed information on how we process your application and personal data as well as your rights under the relevant data protection legislation.

Technical support
In case of any technical issues or problems submitting your application please contact: Dennis Reck (+49 89 9230-9127) or Lara Zolnai (+49 89 9230-8457).